Persons taking village water shall do so at their own expense and must keep all pipes, stop cocks and fixtures in good repair. The buffalo or shut-off box, connections, village cock, valves and service pipe shall be furnished, installed and maintained, in perpetuity, by and at the expense of the customer, as shall all labor for trenching, pushing or backfilling, from the buffalo or shut-off box to the premises being served. No reduction from any water bill shall be made on account of any leak in any pipes or fixtures. All repairs for or replacement of the buffalo or shut-off box or of the service pipes from the buffalo or shut-off box to the premises being served shall be made by and at the expense of the owner of the premises served. The village may, in case of emergency, repair any service pipes and assess the cost of the repair against the owner of the premises served.
(1983 Code, § 7-1-17) (Ord. 92-7, passed - -)