(A)   There shall be and there are hereby established sewer user service rates and charges for the use of and for the service supplied by the village sewerage works which shall consist of a basic user charge for operation and maintenance plus replacement, a debt service charge, and a surcharge if applicable. Each sewer user shall be notified, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to wastewater treatment service.
   (B)   The basic sewer user service charge, not including surcharges previously adopted, to be paid every two months (each two month interval being a “billing period”), by all metered sewer users within the village corporate limits shall be:
      (1)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2019, $5.30 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
      (2)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2020, $5.46 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
      (3)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2021, $5.62 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
      (4)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2022, $5.79 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
      (5)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2023, $5.97 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
      (6)   Effective for bills generated after May 1, 2024, $6.14 for each 1,000 gallons, or part thereof, of metered usage during the billing period.
   (C)   The basic user charge shall be determined by the amount of revenue funds required to operate and maintain the sewage works and to provide funds for the replacement of component parts of the sewerage works for each fiscal year.
   (D)   The debt service charge shall be determined by the amount of revenue funds required for the principal and interest payments due for all outstanding bonds authorized and issued by the village for financing improvements to the sewerage works and to provide bond reserve funds.
   (E)   Reserved.
   (F)   Reserved.
   (G)   Whenever the Superintendent determines that a nonmetered sewer user is discharging more than 30,000 gallons per quarter, the Superintendent may require the nonmetered sewer user to install metering devices on the building water supply or building sewer to measure the volume of wastewater discharged to the public sewers.
   (H)   A treatment service surcharge shall be levied to all sewer users whose wastewater exceeds the normal concentrations of 200 mg/l of BOD as determined by waste sampling which shall be performed as often as deemed necessary by the Superintendent and shall be binding as the basis for computing the surcharge. The surcharge rate shall be $0.17 per pound of BOD in excess of 0.17 pounds per 100 gallons.
   (I)   Each user of the public sewerage works located outside the village corporate limits shall pay the sum of $100 per year as a fixed surcharge payable in advance or in quarterly payments of $25 at the customer’s option. This surcharge is for depreciation and shall be used for the maintenance and replacement of the sanitary sewer system and sewage treatment plant, and shall be in addition to the regular rates and charges for sewage collection and treatment service.
(1983 Code, § 7-3-3)
   (J)   Each user of the public sewerage works shall pay a permit fee surcharge for the payment by the village of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System fee as imposed by the State of Illinois, calculated as follows:
         The annual fee shall be divided by six, to determine the portion of the total surcharge to be added to each bi-monthly sewerage bill. The resulting amount shall be divided equally by the number of sewerage users registered by the village as of the date on which bills are to be distributed. The resulting amount shall be added to each bill as the individual surcharge for each user.
(Ord. 581, passed - -1982; Ord. passed - -1983; Ord. 93-10, passed - -; Ord. 97-04, passed - -; Ord. 97-07, passed - -; Ord. 03-15, passed 10-6-2003; Ord. 03-16, passed 12-15-2003; Ord. 08-25, passed 12-15-2008; Ord. 14-05, passed 3-3-2014; Ord. 2019-06, passed 4-29-2019)