At every regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at which a quorum is present, the order of business shall be as follows:
   (A)   At meetings held on the first Monday:
      (1)   Roll call of members;
      (2)   Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance;
      (3)   Reading, correcting and approving the minutes of the regular and special meetings held during the preceding month;
      (4)   Presentation of petitions and communications;
      (5)   Presentation and approval of bills for payment;
      (6)   Financial report;
      (7)   Reports of officers;
      (8)   Reports of standing committees;
      (9)   Unfinished business;
      (10)   Resolutions, ordinances and miscellaneous business;
      (11)   New business;
      (12)   Comments from audience;
      (13)   Closed sessions (if necessary); and
      (14)   Adjournment.
   (B)   At meetings held on the third Monday:
      (1)   Roll call of members;
      (2)   Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance;
      (3)   Presentation of petitions and communications;
      (4)   Reports of standing committees;
      (5)   Unfinished business;
      (6)   Scheduled speakers;
      (7)   Resolutions, ordinances and miscellaneous business;
      (8)   New business;
      (9)   Comments from audience;
      (10)   Closed sessions (if necessary); and
      (11)   Adjournment.
   (C)   In all cases where a resolution or motion shall be entered on the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees, the name of the member moving and that of the member seconding the same shall be entered in the minutes. Persons wishing to address the Board will be recognized only during the time allotted to “Scheduled speakers,” if time was requested prior to the meeting, or “Comments from audience.” Persons recognized during “Comments from audience” shall be limited to three minutes.
(1983 Code, § 1-5-5) (Ord. 03-03, passed 2-3-2003)
   Procedures for public discussion at meetings, see § 30.03