All proposed walls and fences shall comply with the requirements of this section. Wall and fence height measurement shall be as follows:
   (A)   Measured from unaltered existing grade. The height of all walls and fences shall be measured from the existing grade as it existed on the date of passage. The height of all walls and fences shall be measured from the existing grade to the highest point of the wall or fence in order to prevent the artificial raising of the grade in order to allow for a higher wall or fence. Where the existing grade changes the fence height shall change with the grade.
   (B)   Measured in a continuum. The height shall be measured in a continuum at each point along the wall or fence, excluding posts and/or decorative post caps not to exceed 4 inches above the applicable height limit.
(Ord. 21, passed 1-14-2020) Penalty, see § 152.999