(A)   No certificate of appropriateness shall be granted unless the Commission finds that the application complies with the principles and guidelines adopted by the Commission for review of changes. It is the intent of these regulations to ensure insofar as possible that construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, moving or demolition of buildings, structures, appurtenant fixtures, outdoor advertising signs or other significant features of landmarks shall be congruous with the special character of the landmark. In addition to the principles and guidelines, the following features or elements of design shall be considered in reviewing applications for certificates of appropriateness:
      (1)   Lot coverage, defined as the percentage of the lot area covered by primary structures;
      (2)   Setback, defined as the distance from the lot lines to the building;
      (3)   Building height;
      (4)   Spacing of buildings, defined as the distance between adjacent buildings;
      (5)   Proportion, shape, positioning, location, pattern, sizes and style of all elements of fenestration and entry doors;
      (6)   Surface materials and textures;
      (7)   Roof shapes, forms and materials;
      (8)   Use of regional or local architectural traditions;
      (9)   General form and proportion of buildings and structures and the relationship of additions to the main structure;
      (10)   Expression of architectural detailing;
      (11)   Orientation of the building to the street;
      (12)   Scale, determined by the size of the units of construction and architectural details in relation to the human scale and also by the relationship of the building mass to adjoining open space and nearby buildings and structures; maintenance of pedestrian scale;
      (13)   Proportion of width to height of the total building facade;
      (14)   Archaeological sites and resources associated with standing structures;
      (15)   Effect of trees and other landscape elements;
      (16)   Major landscaping which would impact known archaeological sites;
      (17)   Style, material, size and location of all outdoor advertising signs;
      (18)   Appurtenant features and fixtures, such as lighting;
      (19)   Structural condition and soundness;
      (20)   Walls; physical ingredients, such as brick, stone or wood walls, wrought iron fences, evergreen landscape masses or combinations of these;
      (21)   Color;
      (22)   Ground cover or paving; and
      (23)   Significant landscape, archaeological and natural features.
   (B)   The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be the sole principles and guidelines used in reviewing applications of the state for certificates of appropriateness.
(Ord. 98-08, passed 4-28-1998)