For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Any substance controlled by the State Controlled Substances Act as set forth in G.S. §§ 90-86 et seq.
   DRUG STEM. Objects that facilitate the ingestion and/or inhalation of crack cocaine, crank methamphetamine or any other controlled substance, as defined by the State Controlled Substances Act. A DRUG STEM is further defined as a two- to six-inch long tube, one-eighth inch to three-quarter inch in diameter and that is made of glass, metal or ceramic or any other material. DRUG STEMS include, but are not limited to, glass vials or tubes which may contain novelty items of insignificant value or may contain items that are not, in the normal course of business, packaged in a manner.
   SELL and SALE. The commercial transfer of ownership, possession or use of a drug stem in the regular course of wholesale or retail business for consideration of any type.
(Ord. 06-35, passed 11-28-2006)