For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL WASTE. The by-product of animals which is subject to decomposition, decay, putrefaction or the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odors, or which during or after decay may serve as breeding or feeding material for flies or other insects or animals.
BUILDING OR STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. Materials such as lumber, bricks, plaster, roofing, lumber and other substances accumulated as a result of repairs to or construction of buildings or structures.
BULK CONTAINER. A metal container of not less than four cubic yards nor more than eight cubic yards of storage capacity.
COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any office in or from which is conducted a service; retail or wholesale stores; bottling plants; printing establishments; religious, charitable or governmental offices; private clubs; hospitals; restaurants.
COVERED. Encased by a tarpaulin, camper cover, metal cover, rigid cover, plastic, canvas or other suitable material, which is secured to prevent spillage, leakage or materials blowing from the vehicle. Solid waste in plastic bags shall not be considered COVERED.
CURBSIDE. The space in front of the property in the grass strip between the street and the sidewalk, where the strips exist or that space immediately adjacent to that portion of the street right-of-way normally used by vehicles, whichever is applicable.
GARBAGE. Waste food, tin cans, paper, small paper boxes, glass, plastic and similar non-bulky items commonly generated as waste through normal household activities. GARBAGE does not include liquid that may be drained into the sewer, large quantities of newspaper, building materials, lawn and garden waste (not resulting from food preparation), medium and large paper boxes, dead animals, non- acceptable refuse, and bulky items.
INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Waste generated from manufacturing operations or industrial processing.
MEDICAL WASTE. Includes, but is not limited to, microbiological waste, pathological waste, regulated and non-regulated medical waste, remains and sharps (including needles).
NON-ACCEPTABLE REFUSE. Poisons, acids, caustics, infectious materials, explosives, chemical liquids, whole trees, large tree limbs, tree stumps, tires and rubber waste and refuse or similar materials for waste.
ROLL-OUT CONTAINER (RESIDENTIAL). A container required and approved by the city to collect residential garbage.
SMALL DEAD ANIMALS. Cats, dogs, small household pets or other animals of similar size. Not included are animals in excess of 75 pounds in weight.
TRASH. All waste other than garbage, industrial waste and non-acceptable refuse.
YARD TRASH. Accumulation of lawn, grass or shrubbery cuttings or clippings, bushes, limbs and dry leaf rakings free of dirt, rocks, large branches and bulky or non-contestable material. YARD TRASH cannot exceed one-half ton in total per resident per week.
WHITE GOODS. Includes, but is not limited to, water heaters, microwaves, washers, dryers and similar large, bulky appliances.
(Prior Code, § 8-1) (Ord. 00-26, passed 6-19-2000; Ord. 06-11, passed 6-27-2006)