(A)   Sections 30.015 et seq. shall be effective 45 days after adoption, and shall be applicable not earlier than the first term for which the nomination deadline is at least 30 days after the effective date of §§ 30.015et seq. or when the office is vacated, whichever event first occurs.
   (B)   Pursuant to Public Act 3 of 1895, being M.C.L.A. § 61.1 to 75.12, as amended by Public Act 255 of 1998, being M.C.L.A. § 61.1 to 75.12, §§ 30.015et seq. shall take effect 45 days after the date of adoption unless a petition signed by not less than 10% of the registered electors of the village is filed with the Village Clerk within the 45-day period.  If such a petition is filed, the effective date of §§ 30.015et seq. shall be delayed until it is approved after an election held on the question.
(Ord. 18-2001-R, passed 11-5-2001)