(A)   (1)   The Village Treasurer shall receive the compensation as the Council shall determine on an annual basis, with the amount to be fixed by resolution.
      (2)   The compensation shall not be decreased, as to the monetary amount to be received for the full performance of duties during the year the resolution is in effect.
      (3)   The compensation may be increased or decreased on an annual basis at the time the Village Council establishes compensation by resolution.
   (B)   In the event the Village Treasurer is removed from office during the time period in which the resolution is in effect, he or she shall be paid for all work performed to the time of removal and, in addition thereto, shall receive the equivalent of 60-days additional pay as “termination/removal compensation” and shall have no other or further monetary claim against the village arising out of his or her appointment as Village Treasurer.
(Ord. 18-2001-R, passed 11-5-2001)