(A)   President.  The Village President shall henceforth hold his or her office for the term of 4 years, commencing from the second Monday of the year 2004 when elected, and shall continue to serve until his or her respective successor is elected and qualified.
   (B)   Trustees.  All of the Village Trustees shall henceforth hold their respective offices for a term of 4 years, commencing from the second Monday of the year 2004 when elected, and until their respective successors are elected and qualified.
   (C)   Extension.  The terms of the Trustees which would otherwise end in March 2005 are by means of this section extended for an additional 12 months until the March 2006 election.
   (D)   Authority.  This section is adopted pursuant to the Charter provisions for the Village of Kingsley, a Michigan general law village, being Public Act 3 of 1895, being M.C.L.A. §§ 62.1, as amended.
   (E)   Effective date.  This section shall become effective 15 days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the village, and shall govern and control for elections of a Village President and Village Trustees at future general elections commencing with March 2004.
(Ord. 02-03, passed 5-5-2003)