(a)   Event permit applications will require applicants to provide information relevant to the proposed event, including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   If proposed event is in conjunction with another city-sponsored event, has the organizer coordinated the event with the city entity responsible for the city-sponsored event.
      (2)   Plans for refuse collection and clean up after the event.
      (3)   Whether alcohol or cereal malt beverage is proposed to be served.
      (4)   Whether other applicable permits and/or licenses have been obtained or need to be acquired.
      (5)   Security plans for events with large expected crowds, service of alcohol, or service of cereal malt beverage.
      (6)   City facilities proposed to be used for event.
      (7)   Acknowledgment that the organizer of proposed event will be responsible for any damage to city-owned facilities.
      (8)   City staff and/or equipment assistance requested for proposed event.
      (9)   Specific details on any utility requirements for proposed event.
      (10)   Streets, alleys, sidewalks, or other public passageways to be closed for proposed event with times listed for closure.
      (11)   Description of proposed event.
      (12)   Dates and location of proposed event.
      (13)   Estimated attendance.
   (b)   Event permit applications will be reviewed by the City Manager and city staff. The City Manager shall have the authority to approve and deny applications. If a permit is denied, the applicant may request a review by the governing body. Such review request must be made within three business days after the denial. The City Manager shall report approvals and denials to the governing body.
(Ord. 2126, passed 4-11-2024)