It is the purpose of the city, in the protection and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the city and the general public, to furnish through the municipal water system of the city a water supply that is free of infectious, contaminous and deleterious substances and materials, and it is therefore unlawful for any person either as owner, agent, or employee, to provide a source of water supply, or to use, or to permit the use of, water from any source whatever within the city other than from the municipal water supply of the city, except that water wells and the use of water therefrom may be permitted under the following conditions:
   (a)   In any portion of the city not reached by distributing water lines of the municipal water system;
   (b)   The entire supply of which is used in an air conditioning device, and access to the water therefrom for drinking, bathing, food or drink preparation, or other domestic or personal use is rendered and maintained impossible;
   (c)   Located in the industrial district or zone of the city, the entire supply of which is used in manufacturing, or in composition with other substances or materials to produce a commercial product, no part of which results in a food or drink product, and access to the water therefrom for drinking, bathing, food or drink preparation, or their domestic or personal use is rendered and maintained impossible; and
   (d)   The entire supply of which is devoted to irrigation, located in the zoning districts of the city only, the output from such wells connected only with irrigation facilities and equipment, and no connection whatever with plumbing facilities or equipment, and access to the water therefrom for drinking, bathing, food or drink preparation, or other domestic or personal use rendered and maintained impossible.
(2010 Code, § 15-241)