(a)   There shall be paid for each burial space sold the sum as approved by the governing body and listed in the latest City of Kingman Schedule of Fees. Of the proceeds collected, the amount of $25 shall be paid into the Cemetery Capital Improvement Fund.
   (b)   No individual shall be permitted to acquire or own at any one time more than one lot in the Cemetery, except that religious and benevolent societies and orders may own at any one time any number of lots or blocks in solid tracts in the Cemetery as may be agreed upon and designated by the governing body; provided, that in case any lots or blocks in the Cemetery, shall be sold to any religious or benevolent society or order in greater tracts than one block, the same may be sold at such price as may be agreed upon and designated by the governing body. No lot or lots in the Cemetery shall be used or occupied until the price thereof and the endowment fund sum are paid in full, and the purchaser shall have secured from the City Clerk a certificate of ownership therefor.
(2010 Code, § 12-204) (Ord. 1863, passed - - ; Ord. 2124, passed 2-22-2024)