A.   Comprehensive Plan Preparation: The planning and zoning commission shall have the power and the duty to prepare and recommend to the city commission for adoption a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the city. In conducting its work, the planning and zoning commission may consider and investigate any subject matter tending to the development and betterment of the municipality, and may make recommendations as it may deem advisable concerning the adoption thereof to the city commission.
   B.   Surveys, Studies, Maps: The planning and zoning commission may make or cause to be made surveys, studies, maps, and plans in the conduct of its activities.
   C.   Investigation And Reports: Before final action is taken by the city commission on the location or design of any public building, statue, memorial, park, boulevard, street, or alley, playground, public grounds, bridge, or change in any location of any street or alley, such question shall be submitted to the planning and zoning commission for investigation and report.
   D.   Adoption Of Parts Of Plan: In the preparation of the comprehensive plan, the planning and zoning commission may from time to time prepare and recommend to the city commission for adoption a part or parts thereof, which parts shall cover one or more major geographical divisions of the city or one or more major elements of the comprehensive plan. The planning and zoning commission may from time to time recommend extending, amending, or changing any portion of the comprehensive plan.
   E.   Other Powers: The planning and zoning commission shall also have all other powers conferred upon a city planning commission by 11 Oklahoma Statutes sections 45-101 through 45-106. (Ord. 939, 11-14-2011)