A. Plumbing Work:
1. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of plumbing within the City shall pay to the City Clerk, through the Inspections Department, as a registration fee for the purpose of regulating the business, the sums as set by the Board of Commissioners by motion for plumbing contractors payable in advance to be deposited in the General Fund of the City. No registration will be granted until proof of licensing through the Construction Industries Board as required by the State of Oklahoma has been verified. Registration with the City will be from July 1 through June 30 of any year. Fees for such registration shall be in such amounts as set by the Board of Commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in appendix A, division IV of this Code.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed with any work connected or to be connected with any pipe or pipes of the waterworks or sewer system of the City, or any private plumbing connected or to be connected therewith, until a permit for such work has been obtained from the Inspections Department. Included in the permit requirement shall be all work as defined in the Plumbing Code adopted by the City.
3. Any homeowner has the right, if qualified, to do their own plumbing, if they own the property at which they reside. This does not qualify for commercial property; all commercial property must be serviced by a licensed plumber.
4. The potable water supply to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected against backflow by an atmospheric type vacuum breaker, a pressure type vacuum breaker or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. A valve shall not be installed downstream from an atmospheric vacuum breaker. Where chemicals are introduced into the system, the potable water supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.
5. All restaurants and food preparation facilities shall install a grease trap and/or grease trap interceptor for the collection of grease that can be removed and disposed of properly. If the establishment uses grease and oil in food preparation, plugged building sewer line are a potential. If the blockage or restriction is in the public sewer main and it can be proven that the establishment is the cause of the blockage, then the establishment may have to pay for the public sewer to be maintained. A fine, per day until the blockage has been fixed, for the responsible establishment shall be imposed in an amount set by the Board of Commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in appendix A, division III of this Code. Blocking a sanitary sewer line is also a violation of the Federal Clean Water Act.
6. To prevent sanitary sewer overflows for Municipal sewer customers, sewer laterals for new connections, significant remodels of fifty percent (50%) or more, and for replacements or repairs made to an existing sanitary lateral shall include:
a. Installation of pop off relief devices (pop off caps) in the caps of all sewer cleanouts on the property.
b. Installation of a backflow prevention device (backwater valve), to prevent sewage from the main sewer backing up into the private sewer lines due to blockages.
All installed devices shall be of sufficient size and quality to prevent backflow to individual residences or businesses.
Failure to meet the conditions of this subsection effectively exempts the City of Kingfisher from all liability in the event of a sanitary sewer backup.
B. Electrical Work:
1. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of electrical within the City, shall pay to the City Clerk, through the Inspections Department, as a registration fee for the purpose of regulating the business, the sums as set by the Board of Commissioners by motion for electrical contractors payable in advance to be deposited in the General Fund of the City. No registration will be granted until proof of licensing through the Construction Industries Board as required by the State of Oklahoma has been verified. Registration with the City will be from July 1 through June 30 of any year. Registration fees shall be in such amounts as set by the Board of Commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in appendix A, division IV of this Code.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed with any interior or exterior wiring or any construction, installation, or alteration of any electrical wiring apparatus or fixtures within the City without first having obtained a permit for the particular work from the Inspections Department. Included in the permit requirement shall be all work as defined in the Electrical Code adopted by the City.
3. Any homeowner has the right, if qualified, to do their own electrical, if they own the property at which they reside. This does not qualify for commercial property; all commercial property must be serviced by a licensed electrician contractor.
4. All wiring within any commercial building defined in the City zoning ordinance, within the corporate limits of the City, must enclose all electrical wiring in IMC, RMC, or FMC.
5. No meter shall be behind or enclosed behind a locked fence or wall, it must be accessible to meter readers and electric distribution personnel.
C. Mechanical Work:
1. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of installing or maintaining forced "heating and air conditioning" within the City shall pay to the City Clerk, through the inspections department, as a registration fee for the purpose of regulating the business, the sums as set by the board of commissioners by motion for mechanical equipment payable in advance to be deposited in the general fund of the city. No registration will be granted until proof of licensing through the construction industries board as required by the state of Oklahoma has been verified. Registration with the city will be from July 1 through June 30 of any year. Registration fees shall be in such amounts as set by the board of commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in appendix A, division IV of this code.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed with any construction, installation, or alteration of mechanical equipment within the city without first having obtained a permit for the particular work from the inspections department. Included in the permit requirement shall be all work as defined in the electrical code adopted by the city.
3. Any homeowner has the right, if qualified, to do their own heating and air, if they own the property at which they reside. This does not qualify for commercial property; all commercial property must be serviced by a licensed mechanical contractor.
D. Roofing Work:
1. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of roofing or roofing contractor within the city, shall pay to the city clerk, through the inspections department, as a registration fee for the purpose of regulating the business, the sums as set by the board of commissioners by motion for roofing payable in advance to be deposited in the general fund of the city. No registration will be granted until proof of registration through the construction industries board as required by the state has been verified. Registration with the city will be from July 1 through June 30 of any year. Registration fees shall be in such amounts as set by the board of commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in appendix A, division IV of this code.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed with any construction, installation, or alteration of roofing within the city without first having obtained a permit for the particular work from the inspections department. Included in the permit requirement shall be all work that is to be completed at the defined location.
E. Structural and or/ Load Bearing Work:
1. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of serving as a general contractor, concrete contractor, or any other type of work, whether a new build or remodel, that involves structural or load bearing portions of any building within the city, shall pay to the city clerk, through the inspections department, as a registration fee for the purpose of regulating the business, the sums as set by the board of commissioners by motion for structural and/or load bearing work payable in advance to be deposited in the general fund of the city. No registration will be granted until proof of registration through the construction industries board as required by the state has been verified. Registration with the city will be from July 1 through June 30 of any year. Registration fees shall be in such amounts as set by the board of commissioners as provided in the fines and fees schedule in Appendix A, Division IV of this code.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed with any construction, installation, or alteration of structural or load bearing construction project within the city without first having obtained a permit for the particular work from the inspections department. Included in the permit requirement shall be all work that is to be completed at the defined location. (Ord. 941, 11-14-2011; amd. 2013 Code; Ord. 963, 8-8-2016; Ord. 2024-007, 8-12-2024)