During the fiscal year, after passage of the original approved budget, proposals for adoption of significant new revenue or spending initiatives that come before the city commission, which were not previously contemplated in the approved budget, shall be referred to the city manager for review and analysis of their short term and long term fiscal impact. The analysis shall include consideration of onetime costs (revenues), recurring costs (revenues), and the economic impact of the proposed activity or project on the city. The results of this analysis shall be reduced to writing in a document to be known as a "fiscal note", and the said fiscal note distributed to members of the city commission for consideration before any final action is taken on the new initiative. In order to allow sufficient time for the compilation and consideration of the relevant fiscal note, any proposals for new initiatives should be submitted well in advance of anticipated starting dates or related deadlines for the proposed new initiatives, if any. (Ord. 896, 11-8-2004)