2.20.315   Attorney--Duties.
The city attorney may:
      1.   be charged with the performance of all legal services of the city, including those of legal advisor to the council, the mayor, and to all departments and offices of the city;
      2.   upon the request of the city council, take the necessary steps to arrange for the prosecution of violations of the city ordinances;
      3.   represent the city in all matters, civil and criminal, in which the city is interested;
      4.   draft any ordinance when required by the city council or mayor;
      5.   perform such other duties as may be required by the city council or the ordinances of the city;
      6.   attend meetings of the city council;
      7.   report to the city council promptly all suits brought against the city;
      8.   call to the attention of the city council and the mayor all matters of law affecting the city;
      9.   render all opinions in writing, as far as is practicable;
      10.   maintain a record of all of his opinions rendered and turn such record over to his successor in office.
(Ord. 77-01 (part), 1977)