13.05.120   Minor land partition.
Minor land partitioning shall be in accordance with the following:
   A.   When to process as a minor land partition. The proposal must be submitted in accordance with major partition and subdivision provisions if:
      1.   less than four lots will be created from a tract of land which existed as a contiguous unit of land and has not been partitioned prior to one calendar year; and
      2.   the proposal nor the planning commission requires that an easement for roads or street be created.
   B.   Submission. The applicant shall submit 10 copies of the sketch map to the administrative officer and pay the fees. If any changes or conditions are necessary to process the minor land partition the applicant shall incorporate the required modifications in a new sketch map and resubmit it to the administrative officer.
   C.   Contents of the sketch map. The sketch map shall be 8 1/2 x 11" or 18 x 24" in size, and it shall contain the following information:
      1.   the date, northpoint, scale, and sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the parcel to be partitioned and its location;
      2.   the name and address of the record owner or owners and of the person who prepared the sketch map;
      3.   the approximate acreage of the parcel under a single ownership or, if more than one ownership is involved, the total contiguous acreage of all landowners directly involved in the minor partitioning;
      4.   for land adjacent to and within the parcel to be partitioned, the locations, names and existing widths of all streets and easements of way; location, width, and purpose of all other existing easements; and location and size of sewer and water lines, drainage ways, and utility poles;
      5.   the location of existing structures to remain in place;
      6.   the lot layout, showing size and relationship to existing or proposed streets and utility easements;
      7.   approximate topography at the same scale as the sketch map;
      8.   all easements of record; and
      9.   location of existing wooded areas and trees eight inches or more in diameter, measured four feet above ground level.
   E.   Notification of affected agencies and departments. The city clerk shall send review sheets and copies of the minor land partition to the adjacent property owners.
   F.   Planning commission review. The administrative officer shall schedule the review of the minor land partition for public hearing before the planning commission with recommendation for approval, approval with conditions, or denial.
(Ord. 81-09 (part), 1981)