13.05.030   Preliminary plat--Application procedure and approval process.
   A.   Overview. The application for a subdivision or major partition has two main steps: the preliminary plat and the final plat. The preliminary plat must be approved before the final plat application can be considered. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute final acceptance of the plat or the map of the proposed major partition for recording. Once the preliminary plat is approved, the city may require changes on the plat that are necessary to show compliance with the conditions of approval.
   B.   Preliminary consultation. The subdivider may and is encouraged to at any time prior to submitting a preliminary plat, request a meeting with the platting board for the purpose of a preliminary consultation.
   C.   Application procedures.  
      1.   Prior to submitting a final plat of a subdivision a subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat in order that general agreement may be reached on layout arrangement of roads, public or private utilities and lots before a final plat is prepared.
      2.   An original and 10 copies of the preliminary plat and all required accompanying data, as specified in C. of this section, including a certificate of ownership indicating the date(s) the land(s) proposed to be subdivided was(were) acquired, together with the book and page of each conveyance to the present owner as recorded in the district recorder's office, a statement that all taxes and special assessments pertaining to the property have been paid or that payment schedule, satisfactory to the city, has been arranged, proof of plan approval by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) pursuant to 18 ACC 72.300, a copy of soils tests, logs, or borings submitted to DEC and a subdivision fee in the amount of five dollars ($5.00) per lot, shall be submitted to the city clerk, at least 30 calendar days prior to the platting board meeting at which consideration of the preliminary plat is desired.
      3.   The administrative officer shall review the plat to determine that all necessary information is provided. Deficient documents shall be returned to the subdivider with a request to correct the deficiency. No preliminary plat shall be considered to be filed and accepted by the city if it does not meet the submittal requirements of this chapter, as determined by the administrative officer. The applicant may appeal any decision of the administrative officer to the platting board.
      4.   The city clerk shall, within three days after the submittal of the preliminary plat, transmit a copy of the plat and all accompanying materials to the public works director, city fire department, and utility providing electric service for their review and comment. Comments, if any, shall be filed with the city clerk within 14 days.
      5.   The administrative officer shall provide for a public hearing in accordance with city law, and shall notify all owners of property contiguous to and across a public right-of-way from the proposed subdivision. The notice shall state the time and place of hearing, a brief description of the subdivision and the location of a copy of the preliminary plat for public inspection.
      6.   The platting board shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat within 60 days from the date the preliminary plat was accepted by the administrative officer.
         a.   If approved, the platting board chairman shall affix his signature to the plat and attach thereto a notation that it has received preliminary approval and return it to the subdivider for compliance with final approval requirements.
         b.   If approved with modifications, or disapproved, the platting board chairman shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action and return it to the subdivider. In any case, a notation of the action taken, and requisite reasons therefor, shall be entered in the records of the platting board.
      7.   Approval of the preliminary plat by the platting board shall not constitute final acceptance of the subdivision by the platting board.
      8.   A preliminary plat shall be considered to have been abandoned by the subdivider if he has not submitted to a final plat for such subdivision within 18 months from the date he submitted the preliminary plat. The subdivider may be granted an extension of time by the platting board for reasons deemed adequate by the platting board. Any plat not submitted for final approval within the period of time set forth herein shall be null and void, and the subdivider shall be required to submit a new preliminary plat.
      9.   A subdivider may, upon written approval of the platting board, submit a final plat for a portion of the subdivision. Such partial plat and all subsequent plats for the remainder of the subdivision shall conform to the approved preliminary plat. The phasing and scheduling of such partial platting shall be specified in the platting board's written approval.
   D.   Contents of the preliminary plat. Preliminary plats showing the land to be subdivided and the entire tract, plat, parcel, or survey in which the land proposed to be subdivided is located, including all subdivided lands within that tract, plat, parcel or survey, shall be prepared in pen or pencil and drawn to a scale of 1" = 100' if more than 10 lots are created by the proposed subdivision and to a scale of 1" = 50' if 10 lots or less are created by the proposed subdivision. The following information shall be placed on the plat:
      1.   notation that the plat is preliminary;
      2.   date, scale, and northpoint;
      3.   name of the proposed subdivision;
      4.   location of the property by U.S. Survey, section, township and range;
      5.   the names and addresses of subdivider(s) and the surveyor or engineer preparing the plat;
      6.   citation of existing covenants, reservations, deed restrictions, and easements on the property, if any;
      7.   zoning on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision and the land use designation of this area shown on the Land Use Plan Map of the 1981 City of King Cove Comprehensive Plan;
      8.   the approximate acreage, dimensions, and size of each lot of the proposed subdivision, including rights-of-way and easements, and the number of lots contained therein;
      9.   location and size of existing or proposed utility systems or other improvements including but not limited to water, sewer, and electrical in and within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision;
      10.   the general location of streams, lakes, other bodies of water, swamps, muskeg or marshy areas, drainage and erosion patterns including culverts and other drainage facilities in and within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision;
      11.   a statement concerning responsibility for construction, operation and maintenance of water supply and sewage treatment and disposal facilities in the proposed subdivision;
      12.   recommended or proposed type and location of water sources and sewage treatment or disposal systems on a typical lot diagram in relation to water sources and sewage treatment and disposal systems on adjacent lots or in relation to a community system(s) if present;
      13.   to the extent ascertainable, a statement concerning the possibility of future community water or sewage systems and an appropriate timetable for their development and the proposed layout of service lines;
      14.   contour lines related to some established benchmark or other datum as approved by the administrative officer with intervals at a minimum of two feet for slopes up to 12 percent and five feet for slopes over 12 percent;
      15.   the location of at least one temporary benchmark within the plat boundaries;
      16.   the names of proposed and existing roads in and adjacent to the proposed subdivisions;
      17.   a vicinity map showing streets and other general development of the surrounding area at a scale of no less than 1" = 1500';
      18.   the administrative officer shall review and approve by signature all Homeowners' Agreement of Contracts, Covenants, Restrictions for each plat. Contracts, covenants, restrictions that run with the land should be clearly shown on the face of the preliminary plat.
   E.   Supplemental material. Any of the following information may be required by the planning director and if it cannot be shown practicably on the preliminary plat, it shall be submitted on separate sheets accompanying the preliminary plat:
      1.   A vicinity map showing all existing subdivisions, streets and unsubdivided land ownerships adjacent to the proposed subdivisions, and showing how proposed streets may be extended to connect to existing streets. The vicinity map shall be a scale of 1" = 400' and shall show all lands within a radius of one-half mile from the proposed subdivision. The vicinity map shall show the proposed streets within the proposed subdivision and their connection with adjacent streets plus zoning on and adjacent to the tract.
      2.   Approximate plan and profiles of proposed sanitary and storm sewers with grades and pipe sizes indicated, and plan of the proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants. Also the location in the adjacent streets and property of existing sewers, water drains, culverts, and drain pipes, electric conduits of lines proposed to be used on the property to be subdivided and insert elevations of sewers at point of proposed connection.
      3.   Where the plat to be subdivided contains only part of the tract owned or controlled by the subdivider, the planning director shall require a plan of a tentative layout for streets in the unsubdivided portion.
      4.   If special building setback lines are to be established in the subdivision, they shall be shown on the subdivision plat or included in the deed restrictions.
(Ord. 81-09 (part), 1981)