13.05.025   Definitions.
   Administrative Officer: means the city administrator or individual designated by the city administrator to administer this chapter.
   Block: means a unit of lots, or a tract or group of lots, surrounded by roads or other physical boundary.
   Boardwalk: means a pedestrian walkway with permanent surfacing.
   Building Line: means a line on a plat indicating the limit beyond which buildings or structures may not be erected.
   City Council: means the city council of King Cove, Alaska.
   Capital Improvement Program: means a schedule of all future projects requiring public funds listed in order of construction priority together with cost estimates and anticipated means of financing each project.
   Community Services and Transportation Plan: means a component of the Comprehensive Plan dealing with policies for transportation and community facilities.
   Comprehensive Plan: means the official public document adopted by the city as a policy guide to decisions about the physical development of the community.
   Cul-de-Sac or Dead-End Road: means a road having one end open to traffic and being terminated at the other end by a vehicular turn around.
   Dedicated: means conveyed for public use.
   Easement: means a right that a party may acquire to use another's land for a specific purpose. All easements should include unrestricted rights of ingress and egress for construction and maintenance purposes by utility companies.
   Final Plat: means the final map, drawing or chart on which the subdivider's plan of subdivision is presented to the platting board for approval and which, when approved, will be submitted to the district recorded for recording.
   Flood Hazard Area: means the area within the city subject to the 100-year flood as delineated on the Flood Hazard Boundary Map or the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the city published by the Federal Insurance Administration, including the coastal high hazard area where applicable.
   Lot: means a recorded tract, plot or portion of contiguous land in the same ownership.
      1.   Corner Lot: means a lot that abuts the intersection of two or more streets.
      2.   Double Frontage Lot: means a lot that has frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets other than the alleys.
   Lot Improvement: means any building, structure, water or sewer facility, or improvement of the land on which they are situated constituting a physical betterment of real property, or any part of such betterment.
   One-Hundred Year Flood: means a flood of a magnitude which can be expected to occur on the average of once every 100 years.
   Ordinance: means any legislative action of the city which has the force of law, including any amendment or repeal of any ordinance.
   Out-Lot: means a lot shown on a plat that is not located within a numbered or lettered block.
   Owner: means any person, firm, corporation, or any other legal entity who is the owner of record or which has proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided under this chapter.
   Partition: means either an act of partitioning land or an area or tract of land partitioned as defined in this title.
      1.   Major Partition: means a partition which includes the creation of a road or street.
      2.   Minor Partition: means a partition that is subject to approval by a city or borough under a regulation or ordinance adopted pursuant to AS 29.40.090 and that does not include the creation of a road or street.
      3.   Partition Land: means to divide an area or tract of land into two or three lots within a calendar year when such area or tract of land exists as a unit or contiguous units of land under single ownership at the beginning of such year. Partition land does not include divisions of land resulting from lien foreclosures, the creation of cemetery lots or made pursuant to a court order, including but not limited to court orders in proceedings involving testate or intestate succession; and partition land does not include any adjustment of a lot line by the relocation of a common boundary where an additional lot is not affected and where the existing lot included in size by the adjustment is not reduced below the minimum lot size established by an applicable zoning ordinance.
   Pedestrian Way: means a right-of-way for pedestrian traffic.
   Plat: means a map or representation on paper of a piece of land subdivided into lots with roads, physical characteristics, etc., drawn to scale.
   Plat and Map: "Plat" includes a final map, diagram, drawing, replat or other writing containing all the descriptions, locations, specifications, dedications, provisions and information concerning a subdivision. "Map" means a final diagram, drawing or other writing concerning a major partition.
   Platting: means the procedures provided for in this chapter for processing the plat from the time it is submitted for filing with the platting board until it has been approved by the platting board.
   Platting Board: means the city council of the City of King Cove or any other board so designated by the city council of the City of King Cove.
   Preliminary Consultation: means a voluntary meeting between the subdivider and the platting board, at which time the subdivider shall be informed of subdivision procedures and standards as prescribed by this chapter.
   Preliminary Plat: means the preliminary map, drawing or chart indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the platting board.
   Public Improvement: means any drainage ditch, roadway, parkway, pedestrian way, off-road parking area, lot improvement, or other facility for which the city may ultimately assume the responsibility of maintenance and operation, or which may affect an improvement for which city responsibility is established.
   Public Improvements Guarantee: means a performance bond, deposit in escrow, or letter of credit in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the required public improvements. All such forms of security shall be approved by the city council prior to acceptance by the platting board. If the applicant can show financial hardship or inability to obtain a bond or letter of credit, the platting board may, at its discretion, require the recordation of restrictions for lots listed in the subdivision which lists for each lot the estimated dollar amount of the required improvements applicable to that lot, together with interest at 8 percent from the date of recordation, which restrictions of note is a lien upon the lots and a liability which is due and payable no later than six months after the date the city, by ordinance, adopts a program for constructing the subdivision improvements. As an alternative, the platting board may accept a note from the applicant secured by a deed of trust upon one or more of the lots in the final plat sufficient to cover the estimated costs of the city constructing the required subdivision improvements, if the applicant should not construct them within the time prescribed.
   Reserve Strip: means land reserved adjacent to a proposed road for the purpose of denying access from adjacent property to such road.
   Resubdivision: means a change in the map of an approved or recorded subdivision plat if such change affects any legal boundary or road layout on such map or area reserved thereon for public use.
   Right-of-Way: means land dedicated to the city for use in supporting municipal services.
   Road: means a way for vehicular traffic that is dedicated to public use.
      1.   Major Road: means a road used to carry high volumes of traffic to and from major traffic generators and/or into or out of the community.
      2.   Collector Road: means a road carrying traffic from minor roads to major roads, including the principal entrance roads of a residential development and roads for circulation within such a development.
      3.   Minor Road: means a road used primarily for access to the abutting properties.
   Road Right-of-Way Width: means the distance between property lines measured at right angles to the center line of the road.
   Street Plug: means physical barrier blocking access.
   Subdivide Land: means to divide an area or tract of land into four or more lots within a calendar year when such area or tract of land exists as a unit or contiguous units of land under a single ownership at the beginning of such year.
   Subdivider: means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership, corporation, trust, or any other legal entity commencing proceedings under this chapter to effect a subdivision of land hereunder for himself or for another.
   Subdivision: means the division including resubdivision of any land, vacant or improved, which is divided into lots, parcels, sites, units, plats, or interests for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, lease, or transfer of title, where the act of division creates two or more parcels; the process of subdividing; the land or areas subdivided.
(Ord. 81-09 (part), 1981)