A. A fee will be charged for all boats utilizing the travelift and boat haul-out area. The fee will be seventeen dollars and fifty-five cents ($17.55) per linear foot per boat for one complete haul-out trip (i.e., out and into water) and up to three days for temporary storage/repair. Inspection lifts for the sole purpose of examining and/or assessing needed repairs, at the discretion of the harbormaster (and generally less than two hours' time) shall be six dollars fifty cents ($6.50) per linear foot for one complete haul-out trip.
B. After the three day grace period for repairs, a fee of 20 percent of the total haul-out charge will be charged for each week, or any part thereof, that the vessel is stored in this area.
(Ord. 90-04 § 4 (part), 1990; Ord. 91-1 § 4 (part), 1991; Ord. 93-12 (part) 1993; Ord. 95-17 § 4, 1995; Ord. 09-03, 2008)