11.10.325   Mooring facilities use fee (daily/seasonal).
   A.   No boat shall remain moored at the docks, bulkhead, or port or other public-owned waterfront structures for longer than four hours unless permission is granted by the harbormaster. The seasonal rate is only applicable for vessels under 60 feet; all other seasonal rates have been eliminated. Boat owners utilizing boat harbor mooring facilities for periods in excess of four consecutive hours shall be required to pay a Mooring Facilities Use Fee as follows:
King Cove North Boat Harbor
   32' to 46'      $20.25 per day      $506.25 seasonal
   47' to 60'      $27.00 per day      $675.00 seasonal
   61' to 75'      $33.75 per day   
   76' to 90'      $40.50 per day   
   91' to 105'      $54.00 per day   
   106' to 125'      $67.50 per day   
   126' to 150'      $81.00 per day   
   151' to 175'      $94.50 per day
   176' to 200'      $114.75 per day
   201' to 225'      $121.50 per day
   226' to 250'      $128.25 per day
   251' to 275'      $135.00 per day
   276' to 300'      $148.50 per day
   301' to 325'      $162.00 per day
   326' to 350'      $175.50 per day
   351' to 375'      $189.00 per day
   376' to 400'      $202.50 per day
Babe Newman Harbor
   61' to 75'      $40.50 per day
   76' to 90'      $47.25 per day
   91' to 105'      $60.75 per day
   106' to 125'      $74.25 per day
   126' to 150'      $87.75 per day
   151' and over      $101.25 per day
   B.   Vessels may use the semi-annual and annual rate in either harbor if two conditions are met at the time of the moorage reservation:
      1.   the vessel does not owe the city any harbor fees, i.e. has a zero balance; and
      2.   the rate amount is pre-paid.
   C.   All boats connected to harbor uplands and floats desiring plug-in electricity will be charged a daily use fee of five dollars ($5.00).
   D.   The harbormaster is granted full responsibility for assigning and recording electric plug-ins, monitoring the service, and charging and recording all appropriate electricity fees. The harbormaster will immediately disconnect any unauthorized use of electricity on the floats/docks.
   E.   The cost of kwH of electricity for all vessels moored in both harbors will be an additional $.03/kwH over the cost that the harbor department purchases electricity from the city’s electrical utility.
(Ord. 77-01 (part), 1977; Ord. 78-04 §§ 1, 2, 1979; Ord. 79-03 § 4 (part), 1979; Ord. 80-04 § 4 (part), 1980; Ord. 91-6 § 4 (part), 1991; AM, 3/27/92; Ord. 93-2 § 2, 1992; Ord. 93-12 (part) 1993; Ord. 95-17 § 2, 1995; Ord. 96-9 § 2, 1996; Ord. 98-11, § 2 (part), 1998; Ord. 2001-07, 2001; Ord. 2002-05, 2001; Ord. 09-03, 2008; Ord. 09-06 § 2, 2009)