11.10.253 Warehouse use permit.
   A.   The City of King Cove, by and through its harbormaster, may issue temporary use permits for short-term use of a portion of the city warehouse commonly known as the King Cove Warehouse and located at the harbor, King Cove, Alaska, said use being specifically limited to approximately 10,000 square feet of the second story of said warehouse, commonly known as the loft. The purpose of the use permit is generally to allow those individuals in the fishing industry to have a facility to work on their equipment, although the harbormaster may issue permits for other uses. All permits will be issued on a short-term basis but the harbormaster, in his or her discretion, may issue a permit for more than one day's use. Utilization of the loft will be six dollars and seventy-five cents ($6.75) per day for the first five days and, at the discretion of the harbormaster, fifty dollars ($50.00) per day for every day thereafter.
   B.   All persons or entities desirous of obtaining use of said facility must make an application with the city harbormaster. The harbormaster has the discretion to issue permits or deny the same and to schedule use of the facility as he or she deems necessary for orderly utilization of said facility.
   C.   All use permits issued by the harbormaster will be revocable for any reasonable or just cause.
   D.   All applicants for a use permit must sign an indemnification clause identifying the city of all claims against the city as a result of the permittees use of the facility which will be kept on file by the harbormaster.
   E.   All commercial vendors/services using the ground floor shall pay $15.00/day without electricity. If electricity is used, a flat $3.50/day will be added to the user's bill.
   F.   All general/individual use or commercial vendors/services using the ground floor warehouse space must have a current city business registration on file with the city office.
   G.   The harbormaster is granted the overall responsibility and accountability for commercial vendors/services using the warehouse. The harbormaster shall verify the commercial vendor/services has a current business registration on file prior to approving use of warehouse space.
(Ord. 91-1 § 4 (part), 1991; Ord. 93-12 (part), 1993; Ord. 95-17 § 1, 1995; Ord. 98-11, § 2 (part), 1998; Ord. 09-03, 2008)