11.10.210   Harbormaster.
   A.   There is created the position of harbormaster for the city, who, under the direction of the personnel director shall supervise and manage all King Cove boat harbor facilities. The harbormaster shall be appointed, paid, removed, and succeeded in office as other appointive positions of the city and shall take the oath of a city police officer.
      B.   The harbormaster shall enforce all of the provisions of this title and any rules and regulations duly adopted hereunder. In the performance of such duties the harbormaster shall have all of the powers of a police officer of the city.
      C.   In connection with official duties, the harbormaster shall have the authority to board any boat within the boat harbor facilities.
      D.   The harbormaster may, under the direction of the mayor, post signs and notices that will inform the public at large and all boat owners of authorized and prohibited uses of the boat harbor facilities.
(Ord. 77-01 (part), 1977)