It shall be unlawful for any person to:
1. engage in any illegal occupation or business;
2. be upon any public street or in any public place in a state of drunkenness or intoxication;
3. engage in any indecent, immoral or obscene conduct in any street, alley or public place;
4. discharge any firearm or air rifle, or intentionally point or aim any firearm or other dangerous weapon, loaded or otherwise, at any person;
5. engage in window peeping;
6. beg in any street, alley or public place;
7. jostle or roughly crowd people unnecessarily in any street, alley or public place;
8. make an immoral exhibition or exposure of his person;
9. utter any profanity, indecent or improper language in a public place;
10. maliciously destroy or injure any public property or private property not his own;
11. accost a person or endeavor to entice him into an automobile;
12. create a disturbance in a public place or at any lawful assembly;
13. commit assault and battery;
14. make any breach of the peace;
15. attend or frequent any place in which an illegal business is permitted or conducted;
16. solicit a person for the purpose of committing any illegal act;
17. restrict arrest by a police officer or assist a person in custody of a police officer to escape;
18. carry a concealed firearm or deadly weapon on his person;
19. steal any property of a value not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00); provided, however, that the city may, at its option, treat as petit larceny the theft of a sum greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00);
20. interfere with, obstruct, mutilate, conceal or tear down any official notice or placard posted by any city officer without permission from said officer;
21. impersonate a police officer or, without authority, attempt to exercise his powers;
22. sell cigarettes or tobacco in any form to children under 18 years;
23. sell, use or explode any fireworks, type of explosives which are ignitable by any means of detonation, or stench bomb to which fuses are attached or which are ignitable by means of a match, without permission of the chief of police;
24. spit upon or otherwise mar or litter any hallway, stairway, sidewalks or steps or any public building or place of worship or any public park, beach, recreation area, or parking lot;
25. trespass upon the private property of another without his consent;
26. drive a vehicle not his own without the owner's consent;
27. sell, offer for sale, or display any dirk, knife or knives having the appearance of a pocket knife, the blade or blades of which can be opened by manipulating a button, or exerting pressure on the handle or by other mechanical devices; such dirk or knife is hereby declared to be a dangerous or deadly weapon within the meaning of subsection 18. above;
28. no person shall, and it shall be unlawful for any person who has been confined to the city jail, or any city institution provided for prisoners, to escape from said jail or institution; and it shall also be unlawful for any person to aid or abet or in any way contribute in any manner to the aid of any person to escape or attempt to escape from said city jail or institution provided for prisoners;
29. make, cause or continue, or cause to be made or continued, any unnecessary or unusual noise, which either annoys, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others; and every person who shall make, cause or continue, or cause to be made or continued, whether in the operation of any machine, or the exercise of any trade or calling, or otherwise, any noise which either annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others, unless the making or continuing of the same be necessary to the protection or preservation of property, or of the health, safety, life or limb of some person, shall be guilty of an unlawful act under this code;
30. no owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occupant shall allow or permit any debris, junk or indiscriminate storage of machinery, equipment parts, wrecked, junked, or abandoned automobile bodies, lumber or other material or any accumulation of garbage, manure, offal, rubbish, stagnant water or any filthy liquid or substance or anything that is or may become putrid or offensive to be or remain upon his yard, lot or premises, or upon any yard, lot, or premises owned or controlled by him;
31. no intoxicating liquor shall be consumed on the public streets, in the public parks, or in any other public place, or any store or establishment doing business with the public and not licensed to sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises; nor shall anyone who owns, operates or controls any such unlicensed establishment or store to which the public is admitted permit the consumption of intoxicating liquor therein;
32. operate any motor vehicle on the streets of King Cove, while playing excessively loud music, which causes or continues to cause unnecessary noise that can be heard by others, outside the vehicle being operated. First offense, a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine may be issued to the operator, second offense, a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) fine may be issued to the operator and for the third and any further violations, a three hundred dollar ($300.00) fine may be imposed to the operator.
(Ord. 20- 07, § 1, 1-22-20; Ord. 77-01 (part), 1977; Ord. 2000-03, § 3, 9-22-99)