Internet and/or electronic gaming machines or devices may be permitted as an accessory business use in the specified zoning districts of the town according to the following conditions:
   (A)   Internet and/or electronic gaming machines shall be located within the same building as the principal business use. The area in which internet and/or electronic gaming machines are located shall be accessed through the same means of ingress-egress as the principal use business.
   (B)   The maximum number of internet and/or electronic gaming machines shall not exceed two (2) machines.
   (C)   For multi-unit/multi-tenant commercial sites where more than one unit is located within one large commercial structure, the cumulative total of machines shall not exceed two internet and/or electronic gaming machines for the entire structure. For commercial group developments, the cumulative total of machines located within all of the buildings within the commercial group development site shall not exceed two internet and/or electronic gaming machines.
   (D)   The hours of operation for the accessory internet and/or electronic gaming operation shall be the same as hours of operation for the principal business use in which it is located.
   (E)   Public restrooms for patrons of the internet and/or electronic gaming operation shall be provided within the principal business use in which it is located.
   (F)   The placement of internet and/or electronic gaming machines as an accessory use within a principal business use shall be subject to review and approval by the town. A copy of the floor plan and site plan of the principal business use depicting the area where the internet and/or electronic gaming machines/device will be located shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. Applications for internet and/or electronic gaming machines shall be submitted at the time the floor plan for the accessory use is submitted to the Planning Department.
   (G)   Off-street parking shall be provided at a ratio of one 10' x 20' space for each internet and/or electronic gaming machine/device in addition to the other required parking spaces for the principal use. An up-to-date copy of a site plan prepared by a North Carolina licensed surveyor or engineer shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval.
   (H)   Any internet and/or electronic gaming operation shall not be located within a minimum of 500 feet measured in a straight line in any direction from all property lines of the principal business use site, from any residential dwelling including mobile homes; any church, place of worship or other religious building; any child care home or facility; public or private school; public playground or park; or another principal business use that includes internet and/or electronic gaming machines as an accessory. The applicant shall submit an up-to-date, straight-line drawing prepared by a North Carolina registered surveyor or engineer that depicts each use that is within 500 feet of the principal business use site to demonstrate compliance with this separation standard.
   (I)   On-premise alcohol consumption is prohibited within the area dedicated as the internet and/or electronic gaming operation. Signage to this effect shall be posted in a conspicuous manner to alert all users of this restriction.
   (J)   Users of the internet and/or electronic gaming machines shall be at least 18 years of age. Signage to that effect shall be posted in a conspicuous manner to alert all users of this age restriction.
   (K)   Any internet and/or electronic gaming operations that existed in the town before November 14, 2012 shall be submitted for review according to the conditions of this section and will be granted 24 months from November 14, 2012 in which to bring their internet and/or electronic gaming operations into compliance with these regulations.
(Ord. 12-22, passed 11-14-12; Am. Ord. 18-4, passed 6-14-21)