§ 130.60 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Board of Commissioners of the town finds that:
      (1)   Whereas, Chapter 398 of the 1995 Session Laws (G.S. Ch. 14, Art. 54B) made changes to the laws governing concealed weapons by establishing a system that will allow private citizens to obtain permits to carry concealed handguns;
      (2)   Whereas, this change will significantly increase the number of individuals who may legally carry concealed handguns;
      (3)   Whereas, it is necessary to restrict the carrying of concealed handguns on certain town property in order to protect the health and safety of municipal employees and the community at large;
      (4)   Whereas, G.S. § 14-415.23 authorizes municipalities to adopt ordinances to permit the posting of a prohibition against a concealed handgun, in accordance with G.S. § 14-415.11(c), on local government buildings, their appurtenant premises and parks;
      (5)   Whereas, it is the intent of this subchapter to direct the posting of municipal property such that, pursuant to G.S. § 14-415.11(c), the carrying of concealed handguns on the posted premises will constitute a violation of G.S. Ch. 14, Art. 54B.
   (B)   Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the town that the provisions set forth in this subchapter be added to the code.
(`88 Code, § 13-79) (Ord. 95-10, passed 11-15-95)