The franchisee shall be required to supply the Town Administrator with monthly reports on or before the fifth day of the following month which include:
   (A)   A listing by street address of the residences which have been refused curbside recycling services by the franchisee at least one time within the past month and the reasons for that refusal;
   (B)   A summary of all recyclable materials collected at the curbside reported on a weight basis and delineated as to the various types of individual recyclable constituents which are being collected as part of this program; and
   (C)   A summary of all materials, delineated by weight and by component, which were collected at the curbside but which were land filled and/or incinerated. Loads that are not delivered to a materials recovery facility due to mechanical failure, contamination, and the like should be reported immediately to the Town Administrator.
   (D)   In addition, the franchisee will submit an annual report to the Town Administrator each year within 90 days after the anniversary date of the contract in which the franchisee/contractor will summarize:
      (1)   Total weight of materials recycled and land filled/incinerated over the previous year disaggregated by individual constituent such as aluminum beverage container, #1 plastic, old newsprint, and the like;
      (2)   Average annual participation rate aggregated from monthly data;
      (3)   Efforts undertaken by the franchisee/contractor as part of the public information program required by this contract and the observed effects of this program;
      (4)   Suggestions from the franchisee, based on the previous year's experience, for modifications to the current curbside recycling program which may increase recycling, increase convenience to residents served by the program, or decrease program costs.
   (E)   Any other reporting as deemed necessary by the Town Administrator to aid in its own reporting to local, state or federal agencies or for analysis of the effect on the waste stream and/or the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall program.
(Ord. 08-14, passed 4-14-08)