There is hereby created the position of finance director. The finance director shall be appointed and removed by the chief village officer. The finance director shall be chosen on the basis of his/her executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to his/her actual experience in or his/her knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of his/her office hereinafter set forth.
The finance director shall remain in the position so long as he/she performs his/her duties to the satisfaction of the chief village officer.
The finance director may be removed by the chief village officer at any time. The finance director may request a written statement of the reasons for removal, which the chief village officer shall furnish to the finance director within twenty (20) days after the filing of such request. During this period, the finance director may be suspended from the position with or without pay. The action of the chief village officer in removing the finance director shall be final. (Ord. 13-O-002, 3-19-2013)