The village administrator or director of public works may issue a permit for the traversing of village roads for a vehicle that would otherwise be prohibited by the terms of this section 10-2-6 subject to the following criteria:
   A.   It is reasonably necessary for the vehicle to traverse village roads.
   B.   There is no reasonable alternative utilizing other vehicles or other routes.
   C.   Good cause has been shown by the applicant.
   D.   The village is reasonably satisfied that the requested route and load will not unduly damage or harm village roads or constitute a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the village and its citizens.
   E.   The load consists of an object which cannot reasonably be dismantled or disassembled.
The permit, if issued, shall prescribe a precise route. It shall be for a specific duration. It shall not be assignable. The permit fee shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00). (Ord. 90-O-547, 9-10-1990)