A.   Year One:
      1.   As built drawings, certified by a professional engineer, shall be provided to the village demonstrating conformance with the approved grading plan. These drawings shall include the location, size and elevation of all water control and conveyance structures.
      2.   Effective erosion and sediment controls shall be installed prior to initiating earthwork as per the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan and shall be maintained until adequate vegetative or structural cover is achieved. Within three (3) months, at least ninety percent (90%) of the slopes, as measured by aerial cover, shall be vegetated. If the permanent upland vegetation is not planted with the temporary cover crop, then it should be planted in the first appropriate growing season. All cover crop species must be nonpersistent or native and not allelopathic.
      3.   Wetland vegetation shall be planted in the first appropriate growing season. Water control structures shall be maintained to ensure that the proposed hydrological regime is maintained.
      4.   All trees and shrubs shall be installed as per approved plans and specifications.
   B.   Year Two:
      1.   No areas within the upland plant communities may have greater than one square meter devoid of vegetation, as measured by aerial coverage.
      2.   At least twenty percent (20%) of the species installed in each upland plant community must be present (alive and apparent) with regular representation throughout each community.
      3.   At least thirty percent (30%) of the seeded species installed in wetland areas must be present (alive and apparent).
      4.   At least eighty percent (80%) of the wetland plugs installed must be present (alive and apparent).
      5.   All trees and shrubs must be alive and in good health and condition, as per approved plans and planting specifications.
   C.   Year Three:
      1.   No area within the upland plant community shall have greater than 0.25 square meters devoid of vegetation, as measured by aerial coverage.
      2.   None of the three (3) dominant species in any community zones may be weedy species, including, but not limited to: reed canary grass, Canada thistle, Kentucky or Canada bluegrass, sweet clover, or burdock.
      3.   At least thirty percent (30%) of the species installed within each upland community must be present (alive and apparent) with regular representation throughout the community.
      4.   None of the three (3) dominant plant species in the wetland communities may be nonnative or weedy, including, but not limited to: reed canary grass, purple loosestrife, sandbar willow or cattails.
      5.   At least forty percent (40%) of the seeded species installed must be present (alive and apparent) with at least ninety percent (90%) of the number of plants installed present.
      6.   At least ninety percent (90%) of the wetland plugs installed must be present (alive and apparent).
      7.   All trees and shrubs must be alive and well, as per approved plans and planting specifications.
   D.   Cost Estimate For Natural Areas:
Estimated Cost
Estimated Cost
As built drawings
Erosion control
Sediment control
Prairie seeding
Wetland planting
Trees and shrubs
(Ord. 98-O-775, 7-6-1998)