A.   Description: A subdivision is described as a tract of land which is to be, or has been, divided into two (2) or more lots or parcels, any of which is five (5) acres, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, including all public streets, ways for public service facilities, parks, playgrounds, school grounds, or other public grounds, and all the tracts, parcels or lots and numbering of all such lots, or parcels by progressive numbers giving their precise dimensions. The term "subdivision" includes resubdivision and consolidation, and where it is appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999)
The plan commission/board of appeals may recommend granting a partial or entire waiver of the applicability of the subdivision code provisions for any division of property if the plan commission/board of appeals finds that the requirements, in whole or in part, are not necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the village. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999; amd. Ord. 05-O-942, 11-7-2005)
   B.   Preliminary Consultation Required: Prior to the submission of the proposed plat of survey required herein, the subdivider shall meet with the village administrator and zoning administrator for the purpose of minimizing the risk of objections to or rejection of the prepared plat of survey, and for the purpose of ascertaining the problems and requirements affecting his property. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999)
   C.   Procedure For Approval: The owner or subdivider shall file with the village administrator ten (10) contact prints of a certified plat of survey showing the proposed division of such lots, parcels or tracts of land. Ten (10) prints of the plat of survey shall be forwarded to the plan commission/board of appeals at least ten (10) days before the next meeting of the plan commission/board of appeals.
The plan commission/board of appeals shall recommend to the village board, approval, conditional approval, or rejection of the proposal. The village board shall be notified in writing of any conditions of approval or the reason for rejection. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999; amd. Ord. 05-O-942, 11-7-2005)
   D.   Requirements For Approval:
      1.   Compliance With Provisions: To the extent reasonably practicable, the division of land shall comply with the provisions of this title governing general requirements, design standards and required improvements.
      2.   Survey: The survey shall be performed and the map prepared by a registered Illinois land surveyor.
      3.   Monuments: All corners shall be monumented as follows:
         a.   All lot corners shall be monumented in the field by iron pipes at least twenty four inches (24") long and one inch (1") in diameter or by round or square iron bars at least twenty four inches (24") long.
         b.   The lines of lots that extend to rivers or streams shall be monumented in the field by iron pipes at least thirty inches (30") long and one inch (1") in diameter or by round or square iron bars at least thirty inches (30") long. These monuments shall be placed at the point of intersection of the river or stream lot line with a meander line established not less than twenty feet (20') back from the bank of the river or stream.
   E.   Certificates And Affidavits:
      1.   Affidavits Required: The survey map shall include the affidavit of the surveyor who surveyed and mapped the parcel, typed, lettered or reproduced legibly, giving a clear and concise description of the land surveyed by bearings and distances, commencing with some corner marked and established in the U.S. public land survey or some corner providing reference to a corner marked and established in the U.S. public land survey. Such affidavit shall include the statement of the surveyor to the effect that he has fully complied with the requirements of this section.
      2.   Certificates Required: The certificate of approval of the village board shall be typed, lettered or reproduced legibly on the face of the survey map.
   F.   Filing Of The Survey Map: The survey map shall be filed by the village and recorded with the recorder of deeds of Lake County. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999)