A.   Installation Required: After approval of the final plat by the Village Board, and after approval of the plans and specifications by the Village Engineer and Village Board for the required improvements, the subdivider shall install street, utility, public, common, and other improvements as indicated on the plans, or as required by this Chapter.
The Village Engineer shall give written authorization for the issuance of the first building permit within the subdivision, provided that the following requirements have been satisfied:
      1.   Binder course of asphalt is installed.
      2.   All erosion control measures are installed and functional.
      3.   All storm sewers are installed and functional.
      4.   All ditch lines and detention basins are graded, vegetated, and functional.
      5.   All street signs are erected.
All general public improvements shall be installed and have received approval from the village within two (2) years of the date of final plat approval. The natural area improvements shall be installed and have received approval from the village within three (3) years of the date of final plat approval.
Any subdivider who fails to install the required general improvements and have them approved by the village within the two (2) year period shall be subject to a one hundred dollar ($100.00) per day fine until the improvements are completed and have received the approval of the village engineer and board.
The village board may, upon the written request of the subdivider, and upon the recommendation of the village engineer, extend the twenty four (24) month period for the completion of the required improvements; provided, that the subdivider shall post suitable, acceptable surety to ensure the completion of the balance of the improvements. (Ord. 99-O-791, 6-7-1999)