A.   Use: No building, structure or land shall hereafter be used or occupied and no building or part thereof or other structure shall be erected, raised, moved, reconstructed, extended, enlarged or altered except in conformity with the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located.
   B.   Bulk: All new buildings and structures shall conform to the building regulations established herein for the district in which each building shall be located, except that parapet walls, chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, stacks and necessary mechanical appurtenances shall be permitted to exceed the maximum height provisions when erected in accordance with all other ordinances of the Village. (Ord. 76-0-227, 12-2-76)
   C.   Floor Area Ratio: The following shall be included in the calculation of floor area for the purposes of determining floor area ratio in residential zoning districts:
      1.   All gross square footage of each floor above grade. A maximum of sixty four (64) total square feet shall be excluded from this computation for balconies or similar projections that are four feet (4') deep or less.
      2.   All gross square footage of attached garages.
      3.   That gross square footage of detached garages exceeding four hundred forty (440) square feet. This shall include that portion of unfinished or finished garage attics with a clearance of seven feet (7') or more in height.
      4.   Roofed porches, including areas with open roof trellises.
      5.   Open porches, across all or part of the elevation of a house facing a street, that are greater than eight feet (8') deep.
      6.   Sheds and gazebos, whether permanently fixed to the ground or freestanding.
      7.   That gross square footage of a basement with a ceiling in excess of three feet six inches (3'6") above grade.
      8.   Those portions of house attics, finished or unfinished, that have a clearance equal to or greater than seven feet (7') in height, even if the space is interrupted with crossties or has a truss design.
      9.   Open wood decks if the floor is more than three feet six inches (3'6") above grade.
      10.   Sun or other decks with rails higher than three feet six inches (3'6") on any floor of the house.
      11.   Balconies, chimneys, bay windows, etc., and portions of a second floor that cantilever over open walled first floor yards shall be counted as two (2) stories (see subsection C1 of this section).
      12.   Open courtyards surrounded by eighty five percent (85%) or more by perimeter walls.
      13.   The square footage of interior stairwells for each floor within which they are located.
      14.   Those portions of cathedral ceilings that are fourteen feet (14') or more in height shall be counted as two (2) stories. (Ord. 95-O-681, 1-4-1995)
   D.   Floor Area Ratio Guidelines And Intent:
      1.   Background: Effective December 5, 1994, by action of the village board, the zoning regulations of this code were amended to include FAR restrictions in residential zoning districts. Prior to this action by the village board, this subject was discussed by the plan commission/board of appeals at several public meetings and at a public hearing, held on October 19, 1994. The village instituted FAR regulations for the primary goal of ensuring the size and scale of buildings and structures relate harmoniously to the size of the lot on which they are located, as well as to the surrounding neighborhood. (Ord. 95-O-681, 1-4-1995; amd. Ord. 05-O-942, 11-7-2005)
      2.   Regulated Development: All buildings and structures developed within R-1 and R-2 single-family residence districts, excluding cluster and townhome planned developments, are required to comply with the FAR restrictions as provided for in this title. In each case, the maximum FAR allowed is 0.30. The following guidelines were prepared to ensure compliance with these regulations and to provide additional information on the calculation of floor area ratio.
      3.   Review And Approval:
         a.   A completed floor area ratio worksheet (see below) is required for each lot on which a new building or structure is proposed or on which modifications are proposed to an existing building or structure (i.e., additions) that would increase the floor area from that which presently exists.
         b.   Copies of plats of survey, building plans, and other drawings as necessary to demonstrate the basis of computations, must accompany the completed floor area ratio worksheet. Additional support documentation shall be submitted as required by the village to complete the review.
         c.   Worksheets prepared in conjunction with the construction of a new residential home or shed/gazebo, etc., must be certified by an engineer or architect. Worksheets prepared in conjunction with an addition to an existing building/structure do not require certification. All other applications require certification by an engineer or architect as determined necessary by the building commissioner.
         d.   All completed worksheets and support documentation must be submitted to the village with a building permit application.
         e.   Upon receiving a completed worksheet with all necessary support documentation, the building commissioner, or appointed designee, shall within two (2) weeks determine whether the proposed improvements comply with the applicable FAR requirements.
   Floor Area Ratio Worksheet
Property Location:
Block:                     Lot:                         
Proposed Improvements:
New home construction: Shed\Gazebo, etc.:
Building addition: Other:
Calculations (see definition of floor area)
Calculations (see definition of floor area)
1. Lot Area
square feet
2. Basement Floor Area
square feet
3. First Floor Area
square feet
4. Second Floor Area
square feet
5. Floor Area Above Second Story
square feet
6. Attic Floor Area
square feet
7. Detached Garage (s.f. over 440)
square feet
8. Other Floor Area (please specify)
square feet
9. Total Floor Area
square feet
10. Proposed Floor Area Ratio (#9/#1)
11. Maximum Allowed Floor Area Ratio
Prepared by:         Date:      
Title:         Phone:      
Reviewed by:         Date:      
Title:         Date Received:      
(Ord. 95-0-681, 1-4-95)