(a)   The Building Inspector or Chief of Police is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to notify in person, the owner, or the agent of the owner, of any lot or parcel of land in the City, to cut, destroy and remove any offensive, noxious, deleterious and unhealthful growth of weeds, grasses, vegetation or brush found growing upon any such lot or parcel of land and/or to remove any such trash, garbage, waste, rubbish, junk, abandoned tires, refuse or other noxious or offensive material or substances which have been permitted to accumulate on said property, and to issue on site a citation for the violation of this Article.  The citation shall clearly state that within five (5) business days of receipt of said citation, the offender shall rectify the violation, or shall request in writing to City Hall that a hearing be held before the Municipal Judge.
   (b)   If the City Building Inspector or Chief of Police is unable to deliver said citation in person and notify the owner, or the agent of the owner, of any lot or parcel in the City to be found in violation of this Article, then service of said citation shall be accomplished by registered mail, certified mail, or process server, or if these methods are unsuccessful, by publication once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Keyser, West Virginia, to cut, destroy and remove any offensive, noxious, deleterious and unhealthful growth of weeds, grasses, vegetation or brush found growing upon any such lot or parcel of land and/or to remove any such trash, garbage, waste, rubbish, junk, abandoned tires, refuse or other noxious or offensive materials or substances which have been permitted to accumulate on said property.  Such notice shall be addressed to the last known address of the owner, or agent of the owner, of such lot or parcel of land.  The notice shall identify the parcel by physical description and location as well as by street address (or postal address if available) and may also include the tax map and parcel number of said property if helpful, but such inclusion of tax map and parcel number shall not be required.  Such notice shall clearly state the time within which such action shall be completed, the potential penalties for the noncompliance with the notice and the courses of action available to the City to enforce the provisions of this Article.
(Ord. 257.  Passed 9-14-11.)