(A)   Before any place of human habitation, commercial use, public assembly or any similar place intended to be used for such is occupied, the owner or occupant thereof shall have installed therein adequate facilities for the disposal of liquid waste and human excreta. No person shall occupy any such place until the provisions of this article have been complied with.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the occupants or tenants of all places of human habitation, commercial use or public assembly to maintain all facilities for the disposal of liquid waste and human excreta in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
   (C)   No owner or occupant of any such premises shall use any privy, septic tank or cesspool or allow any liquid waste or human excreta to accumulate thereupon after such connection to the sanitary sewerage system shall have been made.
   (D)   Not less than 60 days after the installation of a town water or sanitary sewer line within 250 feet of any residence or building, all said residences and buildings requiring the same shall be connected thereto for water and disposal of all sewerage and similar waste originating on said premises; provided, however, that, septic tanks constructed prior to the installation of the sewerage system and meeting the requirements of the DHEC are exempt from the requirements of this section until such time as septic tank problems develop and connection to the sanitary sewer collector line is deemed necessary, the public health requiring it, by the Town Council.
   (E)   Upon completion of the construction of water mains and sewage collector lines, as prescribed in subsection (A) above, and after official notification to connect thereto, each day such buildings shall not be so connected shall be deemed a separate offense and punishable as a misdemeanor.