(A)   The purpose of the Fats, Oil, Grease and Sand Discharge Ordinance is to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the town.
   (B)   The objective of the Fats, Oil, Grease, and Sand Discharge Ordinance is to prohibit excessive amounts to be discharged in the town’s sanitary sewer system and to require fats, oil, grease and sand interceptors for all public eating places, restaurants and all other commercial and industrial establishments from which fats, oil, grease or sand can be discharged. This section also provides for monitoring and enforce compliance for all public eating places, restaurants and all other commercial and industrial establishments from which fats, oil, grease or sand can be discharged.
   (C)   This section shall not apply to any private living quarters or dwelling units, but is required for all public eating places, restaurants and all other commercial and industrial establishments from which fats, oil, grease and sand can be discharged into the town’s sanitary sewer system.
(Ord. 177, passed 11-21-2016)