(A)   An application for a development permit shall be made to the local administrator on forms furnished by him or her prior to any development activities. The development permit may include, but not be limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing:
      (1)   The nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the area in question;
      (2)   Existing or proposed structures; and
      (3)   The location of fill materials, storage areas and drainage facilities.
   (B)   Specifically, the following information is required to accompany the application for a development permit:
      (1)   A plot plan that shows the 100-year floodplain contour or a statement that the entire lot is within the floodplain must be provided by the development permit applicant when the lot is within or appears to be within the floodplain as mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the floodplain identified pursuant to either §§ 20-43(J) or 20-93 and 20-94 of this chapter. The plot plan must be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer and certified by same;
      (2)   The plot plan required by subsection (B)(1) above must show the floodway, if any, as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the floodway identified pursuant to either §§ 20-43(J) or 20-93 and 20-94 of this chapter.
      (3)   Where base flood elevation data is provided as set forth in §§ 20-6 or 20-43(J) of this chapter, the application for a development permit within the flood hazard area shall show:
         (a)   The elevation, in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor of all new and substantially improved structures; and
         (b)   If the structure will be flood-proofed in accordance with § 20-63(B) of this chapter, the elevation, in relation to mean sea level, to which the structure will be flood-proofed.
      (4)   If no base flood elevation data is provided as set forth in §§ 20-6 or 20-43(J) of this chapter, the application fora development permit must show construction of the lowest floor at least three feet above the highest adjacent grade;
      (5)   Where any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development, the application for a development permit shall include:
         (a)   A description of the extent of watercourse alteration or relocation;
         (b)   An engineering report on the effects of the proposed project on the flood-carrying capacity of the watercourse and the effects to properties located both upstream and downstream; and
         (c)   A map showing the location of the proposed watercourse alteration or relocation.
      (6)   When a structure is flood-proofed, the applicant shall provide certification from a registered professional engineer or architect that the non-residential, flood-proofed structure meets the flood- proofing criteria in § 20-63(B) of this chapter;
      (7)   A floor elevation or flood-proofing certification is required after the lowest floor is completed. As soon as possible after completion of the lowest floor and before any further vertical construction commences, or flood-proofing by whatever construction means, whichever is applicable, it shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit to the local administrator a certification of the elevation of the lowest floor, or flood-proofed elevation, whichever is applicable, as built, in relation to mean sea level. Said certification shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer and certified by same. Any work done prior to the submission of the certification shall be at the permit holder’s risk. The local administrator shall review the floor elevation survey data submitted. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately and prior to further progressive work being permitted to proceed. The failure to submit the survey or the failure to make said corrections required hereby shall be cause to issue a stop work order for the project;
      (8)   When a structure is located in Zones V, VE or V1-V30, certification shall be provided from a registered professional engineer or architect, separate from submitted plans, that the new construction or substantial improvement meets the criteria in § 20-96(E) of this chapter;
      (9)   Upon completion of the development a registered professional engineer, land surveyor or architect, whichever professional is appropriate, shall certify that subsections (B)(6), (7) and (8) above are built in accordance with the submitted plans and previous pre-development certifications;
      (10)   If the proposed project will impact the configuration of the watercourse, floodway or base flood elevation for which a detailed flood insurance study has been developed, the applicant shall apply for and must receive approval fora conditional letter of map revision with the Federal Emergency Management Agency prior to actual construction; and
      (11)   Within 60 days of completion of an alteration of a watercourse, referenced in subsection (B)(10) above, the applicant shall submit an as-built certification, by a registered professional engineer, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(Ord. 102, passed 2-3-2003)