(A) The town is responsible for the removal of trash and debris from the cemetery.
(B) The cemetery lot owner, the owner’s heirs or the owner’s representative shall clean off the cemetery lot not later than seven days after burial. The Council Committee shall provide for the cleaning off of the cemetery lot if the cemetery lot remains uncleaned after seven days of the burial.
(C) Neither the town nor the Council Committee has any responsibility for the protection or maintenance of fresh, seasonal or artificial flowers placed on any cemetery lot. The cemetery lot owner, the owner’s heirs or the owner’s representative is responsible for maintaining and watering any fresh flowers placed on a cemetery lot.
(D) The Council Committee shall provide for the removal of any flowers placed on a cemetery lot if the flowers have become faded, unsightly or detrimental to the environment of the cemetery.
(Ord. 2021-003, passed 3-15-2021)