(A)   The Fiscal Court shall comply with KRS 424.260 upon commencement of seeking competitive sealed bids.
   (B)   The advertisement for bids may also be placed in other publications when, in the judgment of the Judge/Executive or his or her designee, such advertisement would best secure the interests of the Fiscal Court.
   (C)   If it is determined during the advertising period that additional time should be allowed for the prospective bidders to respond, the bid-opening date may be extended by advertising the project as set forth above, specifying a revised bid-opening date.
   (D)   Extensions of the bid-opening date may be permitted when:
      (1)   Changes are made in specifications after advertisement and it becomes necessary to issue addenda to the specifications. The addenda must be in writing and must be mailed or delivered to all potential bidders holding specifications for the bid.
      (2)   One or more bidders notify the Fiscal Court of discrepancies, errors or areas requiring clarification in the specifications that require additional time;
      (3)   Specifications require design work on the part of bidders, or when it is determined by the Judge/Executive, or his or her designee, that unforeseen conditions made it impossible for the bidders to complete bid preparation prior to the bid deadline;
      (4)   Strikes, disasters or other factors beyond normal control prevent bidders from acquiring the information necessary for the bid preparation;
      (5)   Other reasons as may be determined by the Fiscal Court.
   (E)   An invitation for bids (IFB) may be rescinded when:
      (1)   The conditions for receiving the bids change sufficiently to make the proposed purchase unnecessary or unwarranted;
      (2)   Funds for the proposed purchase become unavailable;
      (3)   It becomes apparent that no bids will be received because:
         (a)   The item or service requested is currently unavailable;
         (b)   The available funds are insufficient;
         (c)   Major revisions in the specifications are necessary to ensure that reasonable bids are received;
         (d)   Lack of interest is shown by potential bidders.
   (F)   All municipalities and special districts are invited to join the Northern Kentucky Governmental Purchasing Association, as specified in the interlocal cooperation agreement dated November 29, 1995, and filed with the Kenton County Clerk.
   (G)   Bids accepted by the Fiscal Court are available to all members of the association under the Kenton County cooperative purchasing agreement.
   (H)   With regard to grant requirements, nothing in these regulations shall be construed in such a manner as to relieve the Fiscal Court of the responsibility to comply with any and all procurement requirements imposed by an agency from which the Fiscal Court may receive funds, including, but not limited to, state and federal agencies.
(Ord. 120.9, passed 8-24-99; Am. Ord. 121.42, passed 10-27-20)