The order of conduct of the business of the Fiscal Court at each regularly scheduled meeting shall consist of the following format, unless specifically waived by a constitutional majority of the members of the Fiscal Court.
   (A)   Call To Order with Invocation and a Pledge to Allegiance to the national flag.
   (B)   Proclamations including Employee of the Month award.
   (C)   Approval of the minutes of previous meeting.
   (D)   Citizens Address for any item of discussion which is not on the Agenda. Requires that individuals wishing to address the Fiscal Court on matters not on the agenda, must “sign up” on a sheet so designated, and failing to do so they may address the court only with approval of the court.
   (E)   Financial and Budgets Report by the County Treasurer.
   (F)   Topics of current or past business brought before the Fiscal Court for their discussion and consideration, and approval of same if it be the will of the court. May include awarding grants and contracts, approval of plans, permission to advertise for bids, or any other acts of county business which would require approval of the Fiscal Court.
   (G)   Consideration for disposition of County ordinances at either first or second reading thereof. The Fiscal Court may request a verbatim reading of an ordinance, but it is sufficient on either the first or second reading to orally read the heading of the ordinance and fully discuss its contents.
   (H)   Consideration for disposition of County resolutions.
   (I)   Consideration for disposition of County executive orders for appointments to boards and agencies and County personnel actions.
   (J)   Reports to the Fiscal Court from the Deputy County Judge/Executive, the County Administrator, the Treasurer (except as noted above), and the County Department Heads in attendance or from their representative.
   (K)   Reports from the County Judge/Executive, the County Attorney, and the three County Commissioners.
   (L)   Public hearings for budget-related matters or planning and zoning business, or executive sessions held by the Fiscal Court pursuant to KRS 61.810, may be incorporated into a regular meeting, or into a special meeting so long as the special meeting is scheduled and prior notice provided as required by Kentucky law.
   (M)   Agendas will be prepared for all caucuses, regular meetings and/or special meetings prior to said meetings.
(Ord. 101.00, passed 6-13-95).