For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COUNTY ATTORNEY. That individual defined by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and whose powers and authorities are governed by the various chapters and sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, including but not limited to KRS Chapter 69.
   COUNTY JUDGE. That individual defined by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and whose powers and authorities are governed by the various chapters and sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, including but not limited to KRS Chapter 67.
   FISCAL COURT. That body of county government defined in Section 144 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, whose powers and composition are enumerated in KRS Chapter 67.
   ORDINANCE. An act of the Fiscal Court which is designed and intended by the Court to carry the force and effect of a law of Kenton County.
   PETITION. An act of the Fiscal Court which is required by law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to take the form of a petition from or by county government.
   PROCLAMATION. An act of the Fiscal Court which is designed to commemorate an individual, a person, or an entity.
   RESOLUTION. Any act of the Fiscal Court which is not an ordinance, a memorial, or a petition..