(A)   There is levied the general ad valorem tax rate as set from time to time by ordinance per $100 assessed valuation on all real property within the jurisdiction for the General Fund. In addition, the Fiscal Court shall review such additional tax rates for each special district or other fund as indicated in divisions (A)(1) and (2), below.
      (1)   Coop Ext District;
      (2)   Health District.
   (B)   There is levied the general ad valorem tax rate as set from time to time by ordinance per $100 assessed valuation on all tangible personal property and motor vehicles in the jurisdiction for the General Fund. In addition, the Fiscal Court shall review such additional tax rates for each special district or other fund as indicated in divisions (B)(1) and (2), below.
      (1)   Coop Ext District;
      (2)   Health District.
(Ord. 224.96, passed 9-14-93; Am. Ord. 101.00, passed 6-13-95; Am. Ord. 225.04, passed 9-12-95; Am. Ord. 225.05, passed 9-12-95; Am. Ord. 225.54, passed 8-25-09; Am. Ord. 225.58, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 225.60, passed 9-13-11; Am. Ord. 225.65, passed 9-4-12; Am. Ord. 225.68, passed 8-30-13; Am. Ord. 225.70, passed 8-26-14; Am. Ord. 225.75, passed 8-23-16; Am. Ord. 225.87, passed 8-27-19; Am. Ord. 226.06, passed 8-23-22; Am. Ord. 226.14, passed - -)
Statutory reference:
   County ad valorem taxes, see KRS 68.090