(A)   A Trap-Neuter-Return Program will be developed by Animal Services to address the issues presented by feral and other community cats, recognizing that there are caretakers of community cats.
   (B)   A Trap-Neuter-Return Program will permit Animal Services to engage in the trapping of community cats for the purpose of sterilization, vaccination, ear-tipping for easy identification, and providing of other necessary medical care for community cats.
   (C)   A caretaker providing for a community cat(s) may offer certain necessities on a regular/ongoing basis, including, but not limited to: proper nutrition of food and water, and medical care. If medical care is unavailable or too expensive, a caregiver should contact Animal Services for assistance to prevent harm to a community cat.
   (D)   If the requirements of division (C), above, are met, the caretaker is exempt from licensing and other provisions of this chapter that apply to owned cats.
   (E)   Anyone providing necessities to community cats shall adhere to the management standards listed below to reduce reproduction and prevent the attraction of wildlife, vermin or insects. Failure to adhere to standards shall be deemed a public nuisance.
      (1)   Food must be presented in a container and not thrown on the ground.
      (2)   Uneaten food must be picked up after one hour.
      (3)   Remove your trash and keep the area clean.
      (4)   Encourage cats to stay away from people such as by feeding away from streets and public sidewalks.
      (5)   If providing shelter, ensure that shelters are insulated, blend in with the surroundings, and free of standing water and moisture.
      (6)   Provide rabies vaccinations and spay/neuter services to prevent reproduction or contact Animal Services.
(Ord. 840.10, passed 9-13-16; Am. Ord. 840.11, passed 2-25-20)