For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COUNTY AUTHORITY. Any housing authority or government that is in charge of any department or branch of the government of the county relating to safety, health, building regulations or construction of concrete or asphalt services in the county.
   COUNTY OFFICER. The officer or officers who are authorized by ordinance and resolution adopted by the Fiscal Court to exercise the powers prescribed by ordinances and resolutions.
   GOVERNING BODY. The Kenton County Fiscal Court.
   OWNER. The holder of title in fee simple of the land over which the sidewalk is constructed and every mortgagee of record unless the sidewalk is located within the county right-of-way in which case OWNER means the holder of title in fee simple and every mortgagee or record of the land adjoining the right-of-way.
   PARTIES IN INTEREST. All individuals, associations, corporations, or other entities who have an interest of record in the land over which the sidewalk is constructed unless the sidewalk is located within the county right-of-way in which case PARTIES IN INTEREST means the individuals, associations, corporations or other entities who have an interest of record in the land adjoining the right-of-way.
   SIDEWALK. Any permanent walkway or footpath constructed of a hard surface such as concrete or asphalt and located near or on the edge of a lot or in any location that the walkway appears to be for the convenience of the general public.
(Ord. 532.08, passed 4-10-12)