The Kenton County Fiscal Court hereby establishes the following schedule of fees for zoning permits, building permits, sign permits, move and set permits, Board of Adjustment hearings, applications for amendment to the county's zoning ordinance, and certificates of occupancy.
   (A)   Zoning permit applications.
      (1)   Residential uses: Single, duplex and multi-family dwellings.
         (a)   New construction.
            1.   One or two dwelling units   $25
            2.   Each additional unit over two and up to 20   10
            3.   Each additional unit over 20   5
         (b)   Additions to existing buildings.
            1.   Each increase in building area of 150 square feet or less   $25
            2.   For each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof   5
      (2)   Commercial, industrial, and other non-residential uses (Any type construction; new or additions).
         (a)   First 2,000 square feet or less of gross floor area   $40
         (b)   For each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof
            over 2,000 square feet base in division (A)(2)(a) above, up to
            50,000 square feet   10
         (c)   For each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof
            over 50,000 square feet in division (A)(2)(b) above   6
      (3)   Change in use/occupancy when zoning classification and building dimensions are not changed. These fees are for all non-residential uses. A building inspection is required prior to occupancy.
         (a)   Change to a more restrictive use   $50
         (b)   Change to a less restrictive use   25
      (4)   Signs.
         (a)   The permit fees collected for signs shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Fee for Each Sign
Classes 1 through 8
$ 45
Classes 9 and 10
Class 11
Class 12
Class 13
         (b)   Applications for pole signs, (Class 7, 9, or 11 signs) must be accompanied with detailed drawings for the sign, along with any pertinent calculations or other information bearing the seal of a professional engineer, licensed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, certifying the structural integrity of the sign.
      (5)   Other accessory uses (for example, storage sheds, decks, detached garages, and the like)   $25
      (6)   Swimming pools (above ground)   $25
      (7)   Fences   $25
      (8)   Off-street parking and loading and/or unloading areas (when developed separately or concurrently with divisions (A)(1) and/or (2) above).
         (a)   Where total paved area is 5,000 square feet or less   $50
         (b)   For each additional 1,000 square feet over 5,000 square feet base in division (A)(8)(a) above   5
      (9)   Excavation and grading prior to issuing building permit for site.
         (a)   Per lot (platted subdivision)   $25
         (b)   Per acre (unplatted land)   10
   (B)   There shall be a minimum building permit fee of $100 for any permit issued under divisions (B)(1) or (B)(2) detailed below. On any project that requires state review, the county permit fees to be imposed shall be at one-half the published rate as determined below.
      (1)   Single- and two-family residential dwellings (new construction only) - $.10 per square foot of the total floor area including living and garage areas.
      (2)   Multi-family dwellings and commercial, industrial, and other non-residential uses (new construction). Based on total floor area inclusive of living areas, storage areas, sales and display areas, garage areas, and the like.
         (a)   First 10,000 square feet   $.10 per square foot
         (b)   Additional square foot over 10,000 up to 50,000 square feet   $.08 per square foot
         (c)   Additional square feet over 50,000   $.06 per square foot
      (3)   Building permit fee for additions, alterations, remodeling, and repairs such as fireplaces, decks, detached garages, and the like.
         (a)   Residential buildings.
            1.   $100 to $1,000 in cost   $40
            2.   Each additional $1,000 in cost or fraction thereof   5
         (b)   Commercial buildings.
            1.   First 10,000 square feet   $.04 per square foot
            2.   Additional square feet over 10,000 and up to 50,000 square feet   $.03 per square foot
            3.   Additional square feet over 50,000 square feet   $.02 per square foot
      (4)   Accessory uses.
         (a)   Swimming pools (permanent only)   $75
         (b)   Tennis courts (per 1,000 square feet of paved area)   50
         (c)   Parking areas, other than residential (per 1,000 square feet of paved area)   75
      (5)   Demolition.
         (a)   Residential structure   $ 75
         (b)   Commercial structure   150
         (c)   Accessory structure   25
      (6)   Sewer tap-in fee (when applicable). Per building connection   $200
   (C)   Certificate of occupancy permit.
      (1)   For certification of lawful nonconforming uses and structures   $35
      (2)   For change in use   35
      (3)   For new construction   No fee
   (D)   Move and set permit.
      (1)   A “move and set” permit requires that the applicant must first obtain a zoning permit and a building permit for the “move to” location. The applicant must also obtain a permit from the Kentucky Department of Transportation if a state highway is involved on the move route and shall provide proof that all utility relocations required to clear the route have been obtained from the respective utility companies   $300
   (E)   Board of Adjustment hearing.
      (1)   Applicants appealing a decision of the Zoning Administrator shall pay a $50 application fee and shall post a $500 cash bond with the County Treasurer to cover any actual expenses incurred for the hearing and all other matters relating to the application.
      (2)   Out of pocket expenses incurred by the county staff in reviewing the case shall be deducted from the applicant's cash bond and the balance remaining shall be refunded to the applicant with an accounting of the expenses. In the event that the cash bond is insufficient to cover the county's expenses, the additional expenses incurred over the $500 cash bond will be billed by the county to the applicant.
   (F)   Amendments to the county's zoning ordinance. The fee for an amendment to the county's zoning ordinance shall be as follows:
      (1)   Zoning text amendments. Applicants for a zoning text amendment must first discuss the proposed change(s) with the Fiscal Court and secure their concurrence as only the Fiscal Court or the Kenton County and Municipal Planning and Zoning Commission can apply for this type of amendment as per KRS 100.211(2). The applicant then shall post a $500 cash bond with the County Treasurer to cover any actual expenses incurred by the county staff for filing the application with the Planning Commission and all other expenses relating to the application. Moreover, out of pocket expenses incurred by the county staff in reviewing and processing the application shall be deducted from the applicant's cash bond. Additional expenses incurred over the $500 cash bond will be billed by the county to the applicant, regardless of the outcome of the issue.
      (2)   Zoning map amendments. Applicants shall pay a $100 application fee to the County Zoning Administrator and shall post a $500 cash bond with the County Treasurer to cover any actual expenses incurred for the hearing and all other matters relating to the application. Moreover, out of pocket expenses incurred by the county staff in reviewing the application shall be deducted from the applicant's cash bond. Additional expenses incurred over the $500 cash bond will be billed by the county to the applicant, regardless of the outcome of the issue.
      (3)   In addition to the county fees noted above, applicants shall pay all required Kenton County and Municipal Planning and Zoning Commission fees.
(Ord. 950.8, passed 5-28-91; Am. Ord. 101.00, passed 6-13-95)