(a)   All business establishments and dwellings situated within the corporate limits of the City shall be numbered in the manner and according to the system hereinafter prescribed.
   (b)   The initial or starting lines shall be east and west from Main Street and north and south from Franklin Street, allowing 100 numbers to each square, and all short and angling streets shall take the nearest parallel corresponding square number.
   (c)   The even numbers shall be placed upon the right-hand side of each street and the odd numbers shall be placed upon the left-hand side of each street. Not more than twenty feet shall be allowed for each number.
   (d)   The figures used for such numbering shall not be less than one and three-quarters inches by two and one-quarter inches in dimensions.
   (e)   It shall be the duty of the Safety-Service Director to designate to all persons who may apply to him the numbers to which their buildings are entitled and to see that all new buildings hereinafter erected, and that all buildings now erected, the fronts of which may be changed, are supplied by the owners thereof with proper numbers according to the system described in this section.
   (f)   No person shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section.
(Ord. Unno. Passed 2-20-1900.)