All billboards, signboards or other similar structures erected for advertising purposes within the City, shall be erected, constructed and maintained in a safe and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the following specifications:
   (a)   The facing or advertising surface of such billboard, signboard or other structure shall be of good quality lumber or galvanized sheet steel with strips nailed on the back holding the sheets of each section securely together.
   (b)   The upright posts to which such billboards, signboards or other structures are to be attached must be not less than four by six inches in size, to be placed not less than three feet in the ground, to be not further than eight feet apart, and to extend to the top of such billboard, signboard or other structure.
   (c)   Braces shall extend from each of the upright posts to its corresponding anchor post, and such braces shall be not less than two by six inches in size, and be securely nailed at each end.
   (d)   There must be not less than one brace and one anchor to each post. All anchors must be not less than six inches in diameter and must be set not less than four feet in the ground and well tamped.
(Ord. 428. Passed 2-4-19.)