(a)   There is hereby adopted that certain Code known as the "Minimum Property Standards for One and Two Living Units" promulgated by the Federal Housing Administration, dated November, 1966, designated FHA No. 300, as revised through Interim Revision No. 55 (June, 1972), and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are amended or deleted in Section 1402.28, and the same are incorporated herein as fully as if rewritten and set out at length herein, and from the date on which this section takes effect the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction, alteration, repair, planning, plotting, equipment and related matters pertaining to one, two and three-family unit buildings within the jurisdiction of the City.
   (b)   At least one copy of FHA No. 300, as adopted in subsection (a) hereof, shall be on file with the Clerk of Council for public inspection. At least one copy shall also be on file in the Hardin County Law Library. In addition, the Clerk of Council shall have copies available for distribution to the public, at cost.