(a)   Prohibitions. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance, by any employee, which takes place in whole or in part in the employer's workplace, is strictly prohibited and will result in criminal prosecution and discipline of the employee, which may include termination of employment.
   (b)   Notification of Conviction. Any employee convicted of any Federal or State criminal drug statute for a workplace-related drug offense must notify the employer of that fact within five calendar days of the conviction. Any employee convicted of a workplace-related drug offense who fails to report the conviction as required in this subsection will be:
      (1)   Terminated from employment;
      (2)   Forever barred from future employment; and
      (3)   Held civilly liable for any loss of Federal funds resulting from the failure to report the conviction.
(Res. 90-003. Passed 3-12-90.)